Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Do forgive me for repitition but here comes one more inspired by yes- the butterfly

the tortoise,a good five hundred years they say
if no one hunts it down for its shell

the butterfly a mere three-
if no one catches it to show their bravado

why is it so difficult to appreciate beauty
and not destroy it!

what if some one killed you for your teeth,
your glowing skin or
your beautiful yellow dress!

"the greatest tragedy of life is its brevity"
but then should we make short even shorter!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As my friends and critics will now get....that this blog is about new attempt of a budding writer...a re-birth of my writings....if I should be poetic about it or rather give credit to my friend Ashwini,who pushed me or enticed me into it.
Yes, but of course it is all one's perception in the end isn't it.Or the perception of others or the battle between the two-but like raindrops on roses-it is a fresh beginning!
Whether I am able to justify my selection of titles I Know not,then again it will merely be your perception of it,your perception that I will perceive, an image I show you that I have perceived from the corner of my eye.............or how well I am able to it or it merely becomes your perception of it.
Yes, I shall hand it to you how you perceive this image-your perception, interpretation of my perception-word mumble you think-not at all-mere perception-depending on your clarity of thought-the openness of your mind.

The Poem;

A little girl standing under her umbrella
how vulnerable she looked!
or how protected she was from the rain.

A little butterfly fluttered by the red rose
just a day it gets to live
but what a day it was

a little white polar bear cub cuddled under his mother's belly
he won't make it through the winter
but he has got so much fur and his mother!

the arc beyond the sea
 a ship sailing yonder
lone sailors moving towards the horizon

I see the glass of water on the table
half empty
half full
I can quench my thirst with it


Born-re born-born
birth-re birth-birth of a new day
cycle of  life continues

New Beginnings

rain drops n roses
fresh bleat of the  sheep's new offspring

the sun rises to a new day
metamorphoses of the silk worm
a battalion of butterflies in spring

"the lake water lapping"
brushed by the gentle wind

the fresh pages of a new book
isn't it wonderful to have new beginnings !